Wednesday, November 18, 2009

10 Years to The day, Bonfire Collapsed

For 90 years it was tradition for Aggies from all over to gather every year in College Station around thanksgiving and have a bonfire for the reason, as stated by the 1947 Texas A&M freshman handbook, of symbolizing two things: “A burning desire to beat the team from the University of Texas, and the undying flame of love that every loyal Aggie carries in his heart for the school.”

What started out as a wood and trash pile in 1909 grew into a stack that in 1969 set a world record for the height of a bonfire at 109 ft, 10 in. Due to safety concerns the school regulated it back to around 55 ft tall and is what it stayed at for many years.

On November 18, 1999 at 2:42 a.m. the Aggie Bonfire collapsed, killing 12.

On this day I think it would be fitting for a post in remembrance of the 12 that died. They are:

Miranda Adams, Christopher Breen, Michael Ebanks, Jeremy Frampton, Jamie Lynn Hand, Christopher Lee Heard, Lucas Kimmel, Bryan McClain, Chad Powell, Jerry Don Self and Nathan Scott West and Timothy Kerlee Jr., who a day later would pass in the hospital.

I was never part of bonfire due to the school stopping all on campus bonfire activities after 1999 and me being in school there from 2003 to 2007. It is one thing I wish I could have taken part of. Some others have at least got to see it burn due to going up with their families but I never even saw that. I am the first of my family to have gone to A&M but I am the first in what will be a long line of family tradition.
So on this day I ask that you read the names of the fallen that I posted and take the time out of your day to give them and their families a quick thought.


Derek Kyle Hale said...

There's a good article in the Texas Monthly Magazine about bonfire. I suggest you read it if you have not already.

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