Friday, November 20, 2009

Coaches worse than Sherman

Things have heated up again in the last two weeks as the Aggies have had less than impressive showings on the football field. Both of the embarrassing losses suffered to Colorado and Oklahoma have brought back plenty of people not only questioning the choice of Sherman as the Head Football Coach but calling for his job.

Being the Aggie I am, I have decided to look at the bright side of things and list 4 coaches that make Mike Sherman look like Urban Meyer. That's right, originally I was going for 5 coaches, but I could only come up with 4.

4. Eric Mangini - Coach of the Cleveland Browns
Most recent bone head move - On the very last play of what could be called the most boring Monday Night Football Game in history Coach Mangini decided to run a trick play. That move alone probably not a big deal; however, it ranks as bone headed when you are down by 16 points. Last time I checked there was not a 16 point touchdown. You don't need to be an expert on the NFL to know you're asking for trouble when you run a desperation play down by 16 points. The result from the play - about 20 yards and a receiver in the hospital.

3. Tyrone Willingham - Former coach of Notre Dame and Washington
Spoiler Alert!!! He's not the only coach from Notre Dame that made the list...
Why he made the list - After 7 successful years and a Rose Bowl appearance with the Stanford Cardinal, Willingham was given the chance of a lifetime to cement his legacy with one of the most historic teams of all time. His first year started off with some promise when the Irish began 8-0. Three years later he was fired from the Irish Head Coaching Position and picked up by Washington. In his final season the huskies, Willingham led his team to a winless 0-12 season.
What he will be remembered for - Being the catalyst to the nightmare that is the current Notre Dame Football program.

2. Dennis Franchione - Former TAMU and TCU coach
Say what you want about Sherman being a bad coach, but I will take him any day of the week over Franchione. I've personally had to watch too many games led, or better yet, destroyed by Fran. It didn't take much for opposing chaches to scheme against this guy's offense because they only had to defend against 3 plays (option to the short side of the field, rollout right and throw out of bounds, or fat kid up the middle). Where is he now - Jobless

1.5 Mark Mangino - Coach (for the moment) at Kansas
Why he made the list - Apparently he eats his players
A quick search on google estimates his weight at around 475 LBS

1. Charlie Weis - Coach of the Notre Dame Mediocre Irish
Current Ranking on - #1
Days until he loses his job - Approximately 1 week
Most recent Award - Named Turkey of the year by Sports Illustrated
Upsets happen in college football, but somehow Weis has managed to make losing at Notre Dame a commonality. Weis, who did experience two years of success, has struggled to a 16 - 20 record the last three years with the Irish.
Most impressive feature - His FUPA


Anonymous said...

Rich Rodriguez is quickly trying to make his way on the list

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