Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat in Aggieland

I'm not sure where to start with "Dorthy". You come across things in life that cause you and everyone else in a two section area to stop and ask yourself, "what the hell is going on." I did it alot during the Fraud years, but your speacial trick or treater stole the show. Not only did he have fun playing with his ginger braids, he had fun with his dress. If you look close there is a stuffed collie in his little basket.
I'm all for dressing up and drinking whiskey for haloween, just not at a Big 12 football game. I expect multiple restraining orders to be filed from a 2-3 section area. We are lucky that a couple of aggeates in the area captured this on their sure to check out Youtube in the coming days. I will have my thoughts on the game after I drink this image out of my head. This guy does not have a ring and I doubt he went to A&M....maybe one of the A&M System schools.
God Bless the aggies.

Quick Recap: Aggies Lay One On ISU

Quick Recap from Saturday:
Never really in doubt, the Fighting Texas Aggies picked up a solid and convincing win against Iowa State this Saturday in Aggieland. Iowa State, who rolled onto an impressive win the week before against Nebraska, looked like they left most of their starters in Lincoln. The Aggies jumped out to an early 21-0 lead in the first half and never looked back. Johnson added 234 passing yards and accounted for 4 total touchdowns as the Aggies gained a total of 501 yards of offense on the way to their second straight win. Although this victory came against a beaten and battered ISU team, this win answered the question of how the Aggies would respond after an emotional win the week before against tech.

Thoughts and Stats from the Game:
ATM - Over 500 yards Offense
CBs - 2 picks
ISU - Sucks at Offense. Needs to join another conference
ATM DTs - Need some work. They were getting blown off the ball
Offensive Line - Controlled ISU's Defense. Looked good for the most part

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tailgate Time Again

Finally another home game in Aggieland and finally another excuse to make it through the work week. This Saturday at 2:30pm the Fighting Texas Aggies will take on the Iowa State Cyclones in hopes of building on their impressive victory against tech the previous week.

Tailgate will resume this week at the same location near Reed with a limited menu . More details to follow...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Which Offensive Line Will Show Up Against the Cyclones?

This Saturday brings the opportunity for the Texas Aggies to have a statement game. Unfortunately, it also gives the opportunity for the Aggies to fall into the same old familiar trap. The major question: Which offensive line will show up?

In one week we went from -13 yards rushing and 6 sacks given up to 321 yards rushing and 1 sack given up. The offensive line, who against Kansas State looked like they had cement around their feet, looked like the old SWC power football line of year's past. I know there were some changes and shifts in the guard position, but was this the main factor? Did the running backs run harder/smarter? Did moving some personnel around really account for an increase of 330 yards in the rushing game and 5 less sacks? Or, is this the natural progression of young linemen stepping up and essentially growing up?

I know M. Sherman probably had some choice words for his lineman after the K-State beating, and I'm not ready to anoint the line as better because of one game; however, it is nice knowing what they are capable of. Now, Iowa State is the perfect opponent for Texas A&M to prove last week was not a fluke performance. ISU is ranked around 60th as far as rush defense which gives ATM a good opportunity to put up some good numbers against a Big 12 opponent. With that being said, ISU will not be a rollover victory as they are on a little bit of a roll after beating Baylor and Nebraska in the past two weeks.

Monday, October 26, 2009

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y: Aggies Bounce Back in a Major Way

What a difference a week makes. Out at K-state the Aggies went up against a very beatable football team and were handed an embarrassing defeat. The next week a completely different team shows up and breaks one off in Texas Tech. It's times like these when you just sit back, scratch your head, and think what if. What if the Aggies could be more consistent? What if the Aggies could avoid the games where it looks like they brought out the JV. What if the Aggies could string together some quality wins and start to look like the football team they are capable of? Then again, this has been their M.O. One week they will look like a division I team that deserves to be in the BIG 12 and the next week they'll look like a bunch of idiots. It kinda makes your head hurt to think about it. Regardless, this victory was great and should be celebrated.

I'll be the first to admit we're not fixed or on the road to greatness just yet; however, beating the tech tards at home did bring the kind of joy that cannot be explained but only understood by other Aggies. It's the happiness that comes with marching into a stadium you haven't won at since '94 and coming out with a lopsided 52-30 victory in front of all their asshole fans. I may get some pushback, but i personally enjoy a victory over tech more than any other team on our schedule (Texas and OU included). One of the main reasons i feel this way is because of their previously mentioned asshole fans. This week alone i read and heard about stories where ATM fans were escorted out of the stadium because they were being harassed by the Tech Tard fan base. I challenge anyone to find fans that are worse than the tards (it's a fool's errand).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quick Thoughts: Why I'm Glad I'm not a Raider

I had a couple of free minutes yesterday so I decided to read through some of the old posts/comments left on this blog. One that immediately caught my attention was posted by cosaggie titled "Why do I love being an Aggie." I could immediately relate since some of the reasons mentioned in this post were some feelings I still currently have as an Aggie. To supplement this list I've decided to add my personal top 4 reasons why I'm glad I'm not a Raider. We may not have the best team on Saturday; however, we're definitely better overall.

4. Lubbock Stinks. I believe the expression, "the wind blows almost as hard as the city" sums everything up pretty nicely. Also, the whole town smells.
3. If you don't like going to bars everynight there is nothing to do. Plus, they have the bell ringer guy (Please feel free to click on the picture to witness the greatness that is the bell ringer).
2. The women at tech are beautiful, there's no denying that. However, they are not exactly the type of women you would want to introduce to your parents. Plus, they should all come with a coupon and a map to the closest clinic.
1. Community Colleges are great for some people, but I figured it was in my best interest to go to a four year school as prestigious as TAMU. The education and connections available at TAMU are unparallel to any other school.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cooks Kitchen - Jalapeno Poppers

In light of the potential Ass Beating Round 2 in Lubbock this weekend I'd like to offer up a delicious gameday appetizer. Because it's not inconceivable for Tech to drop 100 Saturday, you'll need something to keep your mind busy, if only for a little while. Below should be what you need to Gameday off right with some Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers.

You'll need:
24 whole jalapenos
1 1/2 cups shredded Jack Cheese
8oz Cream Cheese
24 Bacon Strips
Some sort of Meat

Step 1 - Start the grill
Step 2 - Prepare the jalapenos by cutting off the stems and the tops of the peppers
Step 3 - Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut the peppers in half
Step 4 - Cut the meat into slices the lenght of the peppers
Step 5 - Combine the 8 oz of cream cheese, the 1 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese, and the salt and pepper to taste in a large mixing bowl
Step 6 - Fill the halves with the mixture
Step 7 - Combine the jalapenos with the sliced meat, securing them together with the bacon and a toothpick
Step 8 - Place on the grill

Monday, October 19, 2009

Aggies Lose Another Close One - Sherman on Hot Seat

The Aggies found themselves playing for pride (AGAIN) on Saturday when they faced off against the Kansas State Wildcats. However, even pride was in short supply as the Aggies found themselves on the wrong side of a 62 - 14 Ass Kicking. Luckily I was not able to watch this disastrous game, but it did get me thinking about the direction the Aggies are heading. Sure, the 3-0 start seemed promising on paper, but the undefeated record left out the fact those wins came against three of the worst ranked teams in College Football. The second loss, like the first loss, came against a formidable opponent in OSU, but to lose this bad against a K-State team is at the very best embarrassing.
All of this brings me to my question: How Long Should We Stick With Mike Sherman?
I understand when a new coach comes to town the need to give them some time to do recruiting and rebuilding; however, I personally feel Sherman has had adequate time to try and erase the piss poor performances of Coach Fran. There needs to come a time where the blame starts to fall on the new coach, and I believe the time is now. I'd be more than happy to stick with Sherm if we were in the MAC or WAC (or Big 10) conferences, but we're in one of the most competitive conferences in the the NCAA (second only to the SEC) . Hell, I'm pretty sure I could be brought into the coaching position if piss poor results would suffice. Clearly the students and the Aggie Nation should have higher expectations from a school so rich with football history. At this point I think it's pretty hard to build a case for Sherm.


Speechless. You know it sucks when you wonder to yourself "if we were in a conference with SFA, UNT, Texas State, Lone Star College, Concordia, Texas Southern, Prairie View A&M, University of Texas San Antonio and South Texas School of Law could we win the conference?"

The answer is no. We have too many freshmen playing of course. Too many cancers in the locker room. And we would never be able to find that elusive head coach that can actually coach worth a shit AND GET Texas A&M. They are hard to find. And by all means if we have to choose between having someone win at all cost and someone who knows what the hell Elephant walk is then by all means give me the guy that gets E-walk 10 times out of 10.

Football sucks anyway. I like things that don't involve sports.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rivalry Games in College Football

In the spririt of this weekend's rivalry game, the Red River Shootout taking place in the beautiful city of Dallas, I started to think about some of the best rivalrys in college football. Most likely your opinion on this matter largely depends on where you grew up. Do you think someone who went to Navy would reference any other game except the Army-Navy Game? If you are from the left coast you might say the best rivalry game is when a team like USC matches up against a solid Notre Dame squad. Likewise, if you are from the mid-west you may site the Michigan-Ohio State game as the best rivalry in college football even though lately the Big 10 has been the red headed step child of the major conferences. It works that way anywhere you go. Ask any football enthusiast in the state of Alabama his or her thought on the question. If they don't respond Auburn-Alabama, I'd be shocked.

For me personally it's hard to argue against the Red River Shootout between Texas and OU. The two teams are always highly ranked and there are usually National Championship Implications on the line. As an alumni from TAMU it's hard to admit this with all of the TAMU rival opponents; however, I challenge anyone to dispute the greatness that takes place at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NFL teams from Texas

Scene - Kansas City: Picture this...two titan teams going toe to toe slugging it out for a much needed early season victory. Tied at the end of regulation the two teams prepare to meet in a winner take all final quarter. Just when it looks like both teams are at a stale mate and the game might end in a tie, Miles Austin catches a pass from America's QB and exploded down the right side line toward the endzone. What soon followed was an after-the-buzzer, no-holds-barred end-zone mob scene. That moment was a clear indication of 53 individuals coming together as a team to celebrate a great victory. Ok, so the chiefs aren't exactly a force to be reckoned with, but still, the last few moments of the game were beautiful.

So in summary:

Dallas Cowboys, AKA America's Team = Future superbowl champs
Houston Texans, AKA Texas' Double A football team = At least you can cheer for Dallas

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mourning Saturday's Loss and the 7 Stages of Grief

Well, at least we have women's soccer...

Saturday started like any typical gameday morning with a pounding headache and a frantic search for keys, phones, and wallets at a house in dire need of a 5 person cleaning crew. I think the attached picture best visualizes the types of nonsense from the night before. Now, this is not me in the picture, but you get the idea. After everyone pulled themselves together, we climbed into the car and headed to the tailgate festivities. We arrived at the tailgate filled with enthusiasm and ready to cheer the Fighting Texas Aggies on to victory. We figured the disappointing loss to the Red Neck Razorbacks would almost certainly motivate the team enough to solidify a key win at the start of Big 12 play because, at the very least, if U of H can do it, we can do it. I mean, Okie lite didn't even have their best receiver so how could they compete? I later found out it was setting these types of expectations that brought on the 7 stages of grief every Aggie who follows ATM sports has come to know.

Stage 1: Shock and Denial
I believe this stage started shortly after the 3rd quarter. It's the inevitable "Here we go again" feeling. The one thing the Aggies are good at is giving some false hope. Exhibit A - the Arkansas game.

Stage 2: Pain and Guilt
This stage occured immediately as all of the die hard Aggie fans witnessed the clock strike zero as our chances to be tied for first in the Big 12 came crashing down.

Stage 3: Anger and Bargaining
I'm not sure about bargaining but there was definitely some anger

Stage 4: Depression, Reflection, and Loneliness
Depression was evident throughout the tailgate; however, the main effects were curbed by 12oz cans of inspiration

Stage 5: The Upward Turn
With the Depression lifting, Aggie fans everywhere began taking the necessary steps to achieve acceptance

Stage 6: Reconstruction and Working Through
The spirit of the aggie hopeful began to lift, there was a realization that we would always be winners at the truely important sports - Golf and Womens Soccer.

Stage 7: Acceptance and Hope
Acceptance and hope came when all of the aggie fans realized one simple but important fact - This isn't our year. Everyone knows we are in the process of building an unstoppable juggernaut for the 2010 season

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help, I'm Married to a Tailgater - Part II

Since I think everyone would like to forget this past Saturday's game I thought it would be a good time to give a little more insight on what it's like living with an Aggie Tailgater. But first, I'll introduce the other two Aggie wives. The second lucky girl to marry an Aggie in this group is Nicole and we'll call her Aggie Wife #2. Nicole is not an Aggie either as she attended the University of Houston. Alison is the third girl to marry an Aggie in this group and we'll refer to her as Aggie Wife #3. Alison and I attended the University of Oklahoma (Boomer!) and she actually met her future husband at the A&M/OU in College Station. I think Alison is the luckiest of all us as her new married initials are ATM :)

Aggie Wife #3, #1 & #2

So what should you expect when you marry an Aggie Tailgater? First, you should expect that the Aggie War Hymn will be played at your wedding. It's not even an option. Even if you didn't attend the University it will played. And your husband will sway. He may even grab the microphone from the band and attempt to belt out the tunes. I may or may not have witnessed that at one of the weddings in this group. I'm just saying.

Next, be prepared that your Saturdays will revolve around Aggie football. Even if you are not going to the game or not even watching the game, the mood of your husband will depend on the outcome of the game. If the Aggies win, hooray!, your husband will be happy and will want to be social with all his Aggie friends. However, if the Aggies lose, he will either sulk alone and not speak a word the rest of the day or he will consume multiple adult beverages with his fellow Aggie tailgaters and discuss in detail what went wrong with the game. It's best to stay away from the tailgaters if possible.

And lastly, you should expect that if you marry an Aggie Tailgater that he and all his fellow Aggies will meet at your house weeks before the season starts to do a trial run on setting up the tent for the tailgate. Yes, this really happened. Please see evidence below. Enough said...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Countdown to Gameday - T minus 24 hours

As gameday rapidly approaches I find myself unable to sit still knowing the events soon to transpire. In 24 short hours our the Fighting Texas Aggie Football Team will take the field with hopes of securing a win this Saturday against "the other Oklahoma Football Team." This may come as a surprise but apparently the Sooners are not the only football team in the state of Oklahoma.

Just as a 1,000 mile journey starts with a single step, tomorrow's win will be the first necessary step on the Aggies road to the all but inevitable Big 12 Conference Championship.

Details from Aggieland to follow...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I have it on good authority that future Rhodes Scholar and All-American Receiver Dez Bryant has been declared ineligible by the NCAA. I know that Gundy (of Night at the Roxbuy Fame) runs a clean this tailgate crew wonders how this is the second OSU player the NCAA has punted. All Ags should give props to Neon Deion for the assist in securing the Aggie Victory.

We will have a Texas Toast for our fallen Tex/Okie at 10:30AM.

Why Do I Love Being an Aggie?

Well let me just put in bullet point presentation style for ya.

-I love Jesus and all of us on Earth are blessed to have the Holy Spirit be with us on our day-to-day walk through life. But being an Aggie you not only get the Holy Spirit but also the Aggie Spirit to be with you. It’s like going to Wal-Mart and buying a T.V. and you get another one for free. Truly awesome. Two spirits while others only have one.

-Reveille is a beautiful animal.

-Traditions. I’m a traditionalist myself.

-The Corps. Gotta Respect the military heritage. I just love the pageantry.

-Aggie Greeks. Some hate ‘em but I think Aggie Greeks are the best bunch of Greeks out of any University out there. They are like Old Southern money frats in the SEC but without the attitude.

-Century Tree. I like trees. A lot. And it is beautiful.

-Northgate a collection of old historic bars with a bit of new thrown in. It resembles my personality.

-Gig ‘em thumbs. Probably the best hand sign of any University.

-I like that when I listen to a Robert Earl Keen, Roger Creager and Lyle Lovett song I know where they are coming from because I’m an Aggie like them.

-Aggie Football. Does it get any better than a Saturday at Kyle field watching the Aggie band?

-As an Aggie I always have next year. Other schools may have the present but it would really suck to know that next year it’s all going to come crashing down and that the Aggies are going to take over.

-People hate us and I love to be hated.

-I love not being able to explain something to people who on the outside lookin in can’t understand it.

-Being an Aggie constructor. I’ve been in this industry for many years and I’ve come to realize that Aggie constructors are the cream of the crop and I’m proud to be one myself.

-I like that highway 6 runs both ways. Could you imagine if it only ran one way?

-I like old AG’s that wear big baseball caps with Aggie pins all pinned to the front of the hat.

So those are just a few reasons why I love being an Aggie. Feel free to add why you love being an Aggie if you desire.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bar of the Month-October

The Brickskeller

The Brickskeller (officially The Brickskeller Dining House and Down Home Saloon) is a tavern in Washington D.C., located near Dupont Circle (intersting crowd) across from Rock Creek Park and on the edge of Georgetown, in the Marifex Hotel (now the Brickskeller Inn) building. With 1,032 choices of bottled beer on the beer list, the Brickskeller is listed in Guinness Book of World Record as "the bar with the largest selection of commercially available beers."

The Brickskeller is a very Aggie bar, if Gen. Rudder was still around he would pull up a chair and sample one of the 1032 beers. Sherman is from the East Coast and I bet a pretty penny that both he and "chowder head" Turner tied one on here. All Aggies should make the pilgrimage to this joint when they visit careful there is a certain waitress that is rather forward. I have it on good authority that this is a BMA hangout when in D.C.

God Bless $20 beer and God Bless the Aggies.

What our fellow Aggies can look forward to

In light of the blog gaining momentum and the proverbial "cherry being popped," I'd like to take a couple of minutes to discuss some of the things followers can expect when keeping up with the blog.

This blog is intended to document the trials and tribulations of die hard Aggie fans as they follow the "chosen team" toward the path of greatness and potentially a run at a 2nd national championship.

Followers can expect to read about different Aggie aspects from different Aggie contributors. The following list will document the areas of the blog and who is responsible for facilitating their area to the highest Aggie standards.

  • All things tailgate - this will be an Aggie joint contribution since no one Aggie could handle all the greatness entailed during tailgate
  • A&M Sports - Cypress011, Mark, Coscaggie
  • Northgate - AggieKt2010
  • Texas NFL football woes - Derek, but this will most likely be a weekly recap of the USA Cowboys and their all but certain road to the Superbowl
  • Live from the Left Coast - Cypress011 to delegate
  • Married man's corner - Mark, Coscaggie, Texas AMC
  • Women of the Week - this will become a weekly poll; however, nominations for the poll will be ongoing
  • Help, i'm married to a tailgater - Women, you know who you are. I don't feel bad you got yourself into this, but this can be your time to vent.
  • Bar of the Month - Cypress011

Please feel free to take the initiative on another topic.

thanks and Gig'em

Help, I'm Married to a Tailgater - Part I

Not only will this blog discuss important things like what food is being served at the upcoming tailgate and who is going to bring the solo cups for flip cup but you will also get to hear a little on what it's like to actually be married to one of these die hard dollar bill tailgaters. But first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Lauren, aka Aggie Wife #1, and I am married to an Aggie Tailgater. And.... I'm not an Aggie. I'm a Sooner. Yikes. That makes for a scary combination. Especially when these two teams play each other in November. I enjoy college football, pedicures, running on occasion, El Tiempo Margaritas, and a good game of beer pong.

I'll let the other wife's first make their introductions and then the fun really begins. Stay tuned for the next edition of Help, I'm Married to a Tailgater - you won't want to miss it :)

Tailgate Map

Okie Lite Tailgate Menu

We are having a two-course menu for the Okie Lite Game.

Breakfast: 9 AM
  • Breakfast Tacos

  • Mimosas

  • Woodford Reserve

  • Kolaches

Victory Lunch: 3:30 PM

  • Hamburgers

  • Hot Dogs

  • Chips/Dip

  • Cookies

  • Beer (bring your own, I'm not your mother)

We will have a beer pong tournament starting at 3:30 Aggie Time. Flip Cup is optional...keep it classy.

Game Schedule:

We will have the 11 AM Fox Sports Telecast of the Fighting Texas Aggies vs Okie Lite Cowboys.

2:30 Alabama vs Ole Miss - I love Ole Miss (free Whiskey on Coscaggie)

2:30 Art Briles vs OU-(subject to Dollar Bill Tailgate Blackout)

7:00 LSU vs Florida- Must be over 17 to watch a night game at Death Valley. I will be checking
ID's, this should help one of our founding members....

7:05 Michigan (Forcier Sucks)- Iowa (Arkansas State giant killers)-- I'm suprised ABC still covers the Big 10, I guess Musbuerger needs someone to love on.

God Bless the Aggies.

Mimosas in the Morning

Due to the early start of the FIGHTING Texas Aggie game, Mimosas will start promptly at 9:30 am. It is extremely important, even doctor recommended, for Aggie fans to get their vitamin C before cheering on the Aggies to victory against "the other oklahoma football team." Do not miss out! Supplies for Mimosas are limited; however, the fun at the tailgate is not.

Stay tuned as the menu for the tailgate will follow shortly...

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Brighter Shade of Orange

Hard to see but quality. Nothing like advertising at Hobby to attract college bound students. I think Okie Lite missed their target audience, DFW is the target market for the "Brighter Shade of Orange". OSU has done a good job of cleaning up the blonds in the Metroplex that couldn't get into UT or A&M. I'm ready for the Okies to come calling this week and we plan on having many join us at our tailgate. Overall they are fairly good people...just keep them away from Texas beer. If you're not carefull they will be knee deep in firewater, taking up the chair in front of the TV.

I'm not sure the overall record, but A&M owns Okie Lite and we are going to bring home a victory on Saturday.

I will let one of our founding Tailgaters give a more detailed analysis of the Okie Lite "psyche" as he married into a family full of them.

God Bless the Aggies.

Inaugral Post

Back from Arlington...I realize we lost, but at least i don't have to go back to Arkansas. I now know where the circus finds their carnie workers. Stay tuned...